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How to find a part-time job

How to find a part-time job

Finding a part-time job to supplement your Student Loan will not only give you more cash to play with, but it’s great for your CV too. Here’s how it’s done…


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With students experiencing an average shortfall of £223 every month, it’s clear that Maintenance Loans just aren’t enough to cover living costs in the UK.

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As many as 74% of students have part-time jobs at uni. By getting a job, you could start earning a regular, reliable income. This will make a huge difference if you – like so many others – find your Student Loan isn’t big enough.

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However, it’s worth noting that part-time jobs don’t just fall out of the sky and onto your lap. First you’ve got to decide what it is you want to do, and then put in the effort to secure a job.

What’s in this guide?

  • Tips for getting a part-time job
  • Where to look for the best part-time jobs
  • Do I really need a part-time job?
  • Best part-time jobs for students

6 best ways to get a part-time job

Here are the most effective ways to get your perfect part-time job:

  1. Look for part-time jobs far in advance

    Man on a laptop

    Credit: KaptureHouse – Shutterstock

    When looking for a job, it’s best to start your search as early as possible. You might not get a job straight away, so don’t wait until you actually need to start working to begin your applications.

    Hit the ground running by scouting out part-time positions online and applying for a few jobs before you start university to avoid peak job-hunting season.

    Everyone will be looking for work during freshers’ week, but if you’re already at the interview stage, you’re in for a great chance.

  2. Write a brilliant CV

    Regardless of the type of job you’re applying for, you’ll need a great résumé that really makes you stand out among other applicants.

    Your first stop should be our guide to writing the perfect CV. Even if you think you’ve already nailed your CV, it’s worth reading through our tips to make sure it’s A+ quality.

    Keep a copy of your standard CV, then tailor it for each application. For example, if a job advert specifically asks for communication and organisational skills, make sure your CV clearly shows that you have these qualities (backed up with any relevant experience).

  3. Triple check your details

    detective magnifying glass

    Students are renowned for changing their contact details on the reg, so make sure you always check that the info you’re giving to potential employers is up to date.

    Also, be careful to avoid typos – this should be the case throughout your application, but especially in the section with your contact details.

    You should pay particular attention to the email address and phone number you include on your application – these will be the details recruiters will use to contact you about interviews.

    We also advise against listing a Hotmail email address – they’re probably the least professional-looking of the bunch. You could maybe get an Outlook or Gmail address instead.

  4. Take part in extracurricular activities

    We know it seems like a vicious cycle, but having a bit of experience on your CV makes it much easier to land a job. But, if you haven’t had a job before, don’t worry – there are plenty of other things you can do to improve your job applications.

    There are so many different extracurricular activities you could try at uni. For inspiration, we have a guide with the best ones for you, depending on your chosen industry.

    You could also try volunteering, helping out a family friend with their business or even setting up your own website to really catch the eye of employers.

  5. Be enthusiastic as a job applicant

    elf smile

    Credit: New Line Cinema

    Make sure employers know you are keen for the job by following up on your application and asking for updates.

    You should never hassle recruiters, but putting in a bit of effort to stay in touch throughout the process will go a long way.

    And, if you have a job interview, it’s always worth sending a quick email afterwards to thank the interviewer for their time. This not only shows you’re genuinely interested in the job, but also that you’re polite, warm and appreciative of the opportunity.

  6. Put your social media settings on private

    While there is, of course, a distinction between your work and personal life, employers are still unlikely to hire you if all they can see on your social media are photos of drunken nights out and foul-mouthed rants on your Facebook.

    Instead, make sure you’re doing everything you can to use social media in the right way, to help you land a job.


Where to look for part-time jobs

Woman on a laptop

Here are the best places to find a part-time job:

  1. Part-time job search tools

    Knowing exactly where to look online is essential to getting a good part-time job. The best place to look can often be directly on company websites where they’ll advertise their job vacancies.

    We may be biased, but we reckon this tool is the best one out there for students looking for part-time work at university. It’s constantly updated, so keep an eye out for new postings.

    Also, sign up to job websites. Sites like CV-Library, for example, will notify you when part-time positions pop up in your area.

  2. Social media

    Woman on laptop with social media likes and loves

    Credit: Flamingo Images, Pinone Pantone, Avector – Shutterstock

    We touched on this earlier, but social media is perfect for job hunting.

    As well as looking directly on companies’ websites to find vacancies, have a look at their social media pages as well.

    They will likely share their job opportunities on sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook – if this is the case, you can like or respond to the post (as long as you’ve already made sure your social media looks professional).

    Check out our extensive guides on how to use Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms to find a job.

  3. University jobs fairs

    Many universities will organise job fairs throughout the year, giving you the chance to meet employers directly. These are amazing opportunities, so look into when your uni will be hosting a career fair and be sure to pop along.

    To get the most out of a uni job fair, find out which companies will be attending. Research them beforehand, and arrive armed with notes and questions.

    After talking to recruiters at fairs, ask for their card and follow up with an email afterwards. In the email, it’s a good idea to remind them who you are, thank them for chatting with you and ask them to stay in touch about part-time jobs, when they become available.

    Plus, as well as going to job fairs, find out if your university has a JobShop service too. Through this, you might be able to find paid work in their shops, bars and on open days.

  4. Recruitment agencies

    People networking at event

    Credit: DGLimages – Shutterstock

    Recruitment agencies are a lot like matchmaking services, but instead of helping you find love, they find you a job.

    They usually have a database of positions waiting to be filled so it makes sense to get involved. Before signing up, check out our full guide to getting the most out of recruitment agencies.

  5. Your network

    If you’re lucky enough to have friends or family working at a company you’re interested in, they might be able to give you a heads up when a new job opens up – and hopefully put in a good word for you.

    If all else fails, just ask the old fashioned way. When it comes to finding part-time jobs, walking into a place with your CV and asking if there are any jobs going can often be very effective. It might seem a bit daunting at first, but once you’ve got past the first couple, it will get so much easier.

Should you get a job at university?

rachel friends get a job

Credit: Warner Bros.

Before committing to anything, it’s definitely worth asking yourself first if a part-time job is right for you at this moment in time.

Firstly, work out exactly why you want a part-time job. Are you doing it purely for the money, to bulk out your CV, or even just to meet new people?

If you’re doing it just for the money, make sure you work out what your monthly budget is first. Granted, it’s not the most fun of tasks, but sitting down to work out what your incomings and outgoings are will give you a clear idea of exactly how big a shortfall you need to make up for.

You might even find you don’t need a job after all, and just a few small money-making tricks here and there will be enough to give you some pocket money.

It’s also worth noting that, although juggling a job at uni will look great on your CV, you can also improve your résumé by doing work experience or by getting involved in some extracurricular activities. These come with the added bonus of being short-term commitments that shouldn’t impact your studies too much.

It’s crucial to sit down and work out how much time you can commit to a job in the first place. Can your timetable really accommodate a part-time job? A lot of universities would advise working in a part-time job for no more than 15 hours a week during term time, but this will vary for individuals.

Recommended part-time jobs for students

When looking for part-time jobs, it’s worth focusing on these industries:

  1. Retail


    Credit: JHVEP Studio– Shutterstock

    Pros: Temp work available over Christmas, staff discount, easy work, no experience required.

    Cons: Hours can be inconsistent, weekend work often required, lots of competition for jobs.

    Working in retail could include anything from your local supermarket to working in a clothes store, but wherever it is, expect to be working on the tills, offering customer service and stocking shelves.

    Retail is one of the easiest industries to find work in if you haven’t yet got any prior work experience.

    To find a job in local independent stores, it’s worth walking up to whoever is in charge in the shop with a big smile and a friendly face, and a CV in hand.

    For the major chain stores, though, we’d suggest looking on the careers section of their websites to see if they have any part-time jobs available in your area. Then, once you’ve found some jobs that appeal, you should then be able to fill in applications for the roles online.

    A part-time job in retail is easiest to get around Christmas time, as this is when stores are most in need of staff. If you’re not too busy revising for exams, start applying for jobs in October or November to increase your chances of landing a job.

  2. Service industry

    starbucks barista

    Credit: Sorbis – Shutterstock

    Pros: Free food, tips on top of your wages, often no prior experience needed.

    Cons: Can be tiring, late/long hours, can leave you feeling a bit greasy and smelly.

    This includes everything from working in Maccy D’s, to being a barista, to waitressing in a high-end restaurant.

    Duties typically involve taking orders and waiting tables, and if you’re working in the fast-food industry, you might be cooking food and washing dishes, too.

    And, did we mention there’s likely to be some free food involved in these kinds of jobs? You can see why jobs in this field have always been popular with students.

  3. Bar work

    man pouring pint

    Pros: Uni bars can be flexible during holidays and exam seasons, evening shifts won’t clash with your timetable.

    Cons: Late hours, high probability of dealing with drunk customers.

    As well as working as bar staff, you may also be able to find paid part-time work collecting glasses, monitoring a club’s cloakroom, cleaning, promoting events and more.

    With almost every university town having enough bars to keep you drinking for the entirety of your degree, there’s a lot of potential work waiting to be found.

A lot of part-time student jobs will fall into one of the above three categories, but bear in mind that there are loads of alternatives out there that you probably haven’t even considered yet – and we’ve got a whole list of them here for you to think about.

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