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Destiny 2: Every Deep Stone Crypt’s Exo Stranger Log Location

Destiny 2: Every Deep Stone Crypt’s Exo Stranger Log Location

During the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, players can find five Exo Stranger Data Logs. Collecting these rewards a Ghost Shell.

The Deep Stone Crypt raid is one of the most recent raids to become available in Destiny 2: Beyond Light. The raid tasks players with descending below the surface of Europa and preventing The Fallen from enacting their plans. The Deep Stone Crypt is significant because it is the source of all Exos. Though it has been mentioned before many times, even as far back as the original Destiny game, Beyond Light is the first time players get to see it. While working through the raid, players can pick up Exo Stranger’s Data Logs.

There are five Exo Stranger logs scattered throughout the raid, and finding all five will result in the player earning the Rock Bottom triumph. This is one of the steps players must complete to unlock the title Descendant. Finding all five logs will also reward the player with an Exotic Ghost Shell called No Love Lost. Here’s where to find the location of every Exo Stranger Log in the Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.

Every Deep Stone Crypt’s Exo Stranger Log Location In Destiny 2: Beyond Light

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The Exo Stranger’s logs are found on datapads throughout the Deep Stone Crypt. Players will need to interact with them to pick them up. They are located in the following places.

Before the Crypt Security Encounter

Players will find the first Exo Stranger Data Log prior to the Crypt Security Encounter and after the Pike Encounter. It is located behind some metal crates in the room.

Clarity Control

Data Log 2 can be found in Clarity Control, which is the room just after Crypt Security with the Darkness statue. This is the transition space before the Atraks-1 boss fight. Players will need to climb onto the pipes overhead on the left side of the room and travel to the end to pick up the datapad.

Spacewalk (After the Atraks-1 Boss Fight)

Once players beat Atraks-1, they will enter a spacewalk area containing round, metal platforms. To reach Data Log 3, players will need to turn to their right and jump across the set of three platforms. On the third platform, they will need to jump up and to the right to reach a smaller catwalk. From here, they should travel to the end of the catwalk and jump down. The last circular walkway down a large tube contains the datapad.

Destiny 2 Exo Stranger Data Log.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=450&h=225&dpr=1

Spacewalk (Before Taniks Reborn)

The fourth Data Log is found at the end of the spacewalk section of the raid and before Taniks Reborn. Players will need to travel along a green catwalk and turn left. They will need to follow the path all the way to the dead-end to find the datapad.


After the spacewalk and just before Taniks Reborn, players will enter a large room. When the door opens, they will need to enter another room and turn left. They’ll need to make another left through the room with purple lights and follow the path into Rapture. They will find the fifth and final Data Log on top of a large, red Generator.

Players can see the locations of all five datapads in the video below from Spazmattic.

Upon finding all the Data Logs and completing the raid, players can navigate to their Triumphs page and select the Rock Bottom Triumph to complete it and receive No Love Lost. It will appear directly in their inventory.

Destiny 2 is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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